By Mi-Ling Stone Poole – DEAR READERS: Are you guilty of collecting too many THINGS? My weakness is dishes, tablecloths, shoes, purses, jewelry and just about anything from family members who have passed on.

Over the past few months I have been updating some of the spaces in my home, and I have come to the conclusion that, although I have plenty of storage space, I need to de-clutter and get rid of some of the THINGS that seem to be bogging down my life.

I have been collecting STUFF for years and now I want to reclaim the space in my home and de-clutter the drawers, closets and storage compartments that are filled with memorabilia of past lives and family heirlooms.

Sentimental value

One of the problems I’m having is letting go of the STUFF that has sentimental value. My grandmother’s worn tablecloths, one of my favorite dresses that I will probably never wear again and one of my father’s favorite shirts that he wore before he passed away.

My plan is to repurpose some of the family heirlooms that I cherish but never use.

One of my grandmother’s tablecloths will be cut up and made into napkins and shared with my siblings. My father’s shirts will be transformed into a cozy pillow and placed in my office or game room. I plan to make a few more shadow boxes to hang on the wall, as well.

A number of items already have been donated, and I’m still thinking of a way to convert my dress into something I love. Maybe I should turn it into a silk table runner for my dining table?

The point is, when you repurpose your THINGS you are helping the environment by being more eco-friendly and you are able to enjoy something you love in a unique way.

Do you have any ideas on how to repurpose family heirlooms?